Acupuncture is one of the oldest known medicines in the world, dating back over 3.000 years and is still one of the most commonly used medicines.

The intention of acupuncture is to restore your body to balance using acupuncture points. Each point has a message, and sends information to the body to heal itself.

Acupuncture can help promote healing, restore balance and homeostasis.



Courtney is specializing in women’s health, with a deep experience in treating the feminine body & soul from issues around fertility, menopause, hormone health to pregnancy and perinatal support.

She also specializes in paediatrics, children and infant health and wellbeing..

The use of the subtle energy medicines of acupuncture and homeopathy work gently and effectively with the body to restore harmony and balance within.

  • Hormone Imbalance

    Irregular Menses

    Cramps, PMS 



    Polysystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

    Decreased Ovarian Reserve 

    IVF and IUI support and preparation

    Egg freezing preparation 

    Ovarian Cysts

    Uterine Fibroids

    Perimenopause and Menopause

  • Morning Sickness, heartburn, constipation

    Insomnia and anxiety

    Threatened miscarriage

    Pain: Hip/Pelvic, Sciatica, Headaches, Carpal Tunnel, Varicocities

    Golden needle treatment at the end of each trimester.

    Optimal fetal Positioning, Breech, Posterior Presentation

    Cervical ripening and Post-Term Induction

    Birth Support Acupuncture (Acupuncture in Labour)

    Postpartum anxiety, fatigue

    Mastitis, milk supply

  • Asthma



    Growing pains



    Immune support

  • Sperm health






Proven benefits of acupuncture are that it:

improves circulation

releases blockages

decreases pain and inflammation 

calms the nervous system

Science has proven its effectiveness. Acupuncture is on the World Health Organization list of proven effective.



  • Hormone Imbalance

  • Irregular Menses

  • Cramps, PMS 

  • Amenorrhea 

  • Endometriosis

  • Polysystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Decreased Ovarian Reserve 

  • IVF and IUI support and preparation

  • Egg freezing preparation 

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Uterine Fibroids

  • Perimenopause and Menopause

Fertility acupuncture can: 

  • regulate the menstrual cycle

  • improve ovarian function to produce better quality eggs

  • regulate hormone levels to produce more follicles

  • increase uterine blood flow to increase thickness of the uterine lining

  • facilitate implantation 

  • reduce stress 

  • strengthen the body and decrease the chance of miscarriage

Acupuncture in pregnancy & perinatal support

Acupuncture can be used to assist with a range of pregnancy related conditions, offering women an alternative to taking medication.

Acupuncture may also be used for the discomfort often regarded as part of a ‘normal’ pregnancy that just has to be endured. While acupuncture is viewed by many as an ‘alternative’ medicine, its use in pregnancy is widespread in certain countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland and New Zealand, where midwives undertake specialized acupuncture training.

In 2009 Hutt Valley Hospital invited the New Zealand School of acupuncture to run clinic specifically for pregnancy related conditions. The following list details the conditions that acupuncture has been used for in this clinic;

  • Threatened miscarriage

  • Miscarriage

  • Early pregnancy supportive care

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Constipation and hemorrhoids

  • Varicose veins and vulval varicosities

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, pelvic and hip pain

  • Fatigue and exhaustion

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Itching in pregnancy

  • Hypertension disorders including Pregnancy-induced hypertension

  • Gestational diabeties

  • Breech and posterior positioned babies

  • Preparation for a medical Induction

  • Prebirth acupuncture to prepare the body for an efficient labour

  • Acupressure taught to support people to use for pain relief during labour

  • Postpartum recovery

Children & infants


  • cradle cap

  • teething

  • constipation/diarrhea

  •  rashes, eczema

  • growing pains

  •  ear infections

  • colds and flu’s

Chinese Medicine for kids is safe, gentle, effective and natural.  With no side effects.

Acupuncture and homeopathy are used very successfully to treat children from infancy on up.  Conditions treated include:

  • sinus congestion

  • allergies

  • respiratory illnesses

  • frequent colds

  • sleeping issues

  • insomnia, nightmares

  • night terrors

Young adults and pre-teens also greatly benefit from the treatments. 

They can help with social anxiety, anticipatory anxiety, PMS, mood swings, painful periods, acne, digestive disorders, sleep and many more.

what to expect

A typical first treatment for a child is similar to an adult in that it is a chance for us to meet. That first treatment will last from 30 minutes to 60 min  to give us a chance to talk and go over all of your concerns. After that, treatments usually last from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the age of the child. For that first appointment, we will sit down and chat about the issues you are seeking care for.

Depending on the age and personality of the child, sometimes the parent will do lots of explaining and answering questions, sometimes the child, and often it will be a combination of what the child feels and the parent sees. Kids usually like to play while we are all talking and we can usually just transition into treatment by engaging them in whatever they are playing with. After talking, a lot of kids are ready to jump up on the treatment table and begin, but if the child seems hesitant or wary, it’s easy to just get down on the floor and play with them at their level while beginning the treatment.


 We begin by just pressing on the acupuncture points, or using acupressure or a microcurrent or tuning forks. This helps them to get comfortable. Just like adults, it is so important that they feel comfortable and safe. With this in mind, every treatment does look slightly different, as it is tailored to fit the needs and health issues of each child. Some kids like to sit on mom or dad’s lap on the treatment table, others prefer to lay back like adults and relax. Some kids, often the 2-4 year olds, just like to play on the floor while they are treated.

After the treatment, I may apply some ear seeds, which are little metal balls held on by clear plastic tape that sit on specific points on the outside of the ear. These points can be pressed on in the week following the treatment and they serve to reinforce what we have done in treatment, to remind the body of the balance we have created. For younger kids, we will often apply a few of these ear seeds to body points, meaning points on the arms and legs. These are used as reminders or markers for the parents and can be pressed on at home, often before bed and first thing in the morning, serving that same purpose of carrying over the treatment.

After the treatment, I study the case and assess what lifestyle, diet or herbs, homeopathy or supplements might help support the treatment.  This will be given on the follow-up if not sooner. 

Children usually get better very quickly.  Certain disorders will take a longer course of treatment, but you and your child should notice a change and improvement after the first one or two treatments.

Kids love the treatments!  

homeopathy & functional medicine

Courtney will also draw from her many years of practice and her training as a Homeopath.

During your treatment she may recommend you consider Homeopathic treatments from her as well.

She will draw on advice from Functional Medicine, recommending supplements, diet & lifestyle modifications for you if she sees it necessary.


Homeopathy is also an energy medicine. The potentized remedies work by triggering the body to heal itself through the principle of likes cure likes. I always imagine the remedy like a pebble thrown into a pond. It impacts and then the ripples are felt through the body. Although if you don’t have the right remedy the ripples will not happen. The right remedy triggers an energetic response. 

To gain the right remedy you have to take a detailed case to understand the root of the problem and match it with the right remedy in order to create effect.

The remedies are potentized and diluted so they are safe, natural and non-toxic. Babies and children can take them and will respond so beautifully to them. 


alongside your treatment or your child’s treatment, a remedy will be selected that matches your constitution. You take a few doses under your tongue and let the medicine trigger your vital force response. It is gentle but effective.

A follow up appointment is recommended after 6-8 weeks to see how the remedy is acting. 


  • $150.00 - 60 mins

  • $110.00

  • House call $175 for the first hour and $110 for any subsequent hours.

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